For many years, our motto has been "Neighbors Helping Neighbors" and in light of the COVID-19 Pandemic, it's never been more important for us to take this motto to heart and look out for each other.
If you are a resident of Fort Wright and in need of non-medical assistance, for example, you are elderly and can't risk a tr...
With all the unofficial websites popping up and misinformation being spread through social media, we have created a page with links to Credible COVID-19 Information. Please click the link for a listing of the best resources in our area to consult for those wanting to learn more and be informed about the COVID-19 Coronavirus.
By 5:00 PM on March 16, 2020, food and beverage sales are restricted to carry-out, delivery and drive-thru only; no onsite consumption is permitted.
For complete details, please click the link below:
Governor Andy Beshear Order - March 16, 2020
For the health and safety of all concerned, we have suspended the following services for the time being:
Passport Acceptance
Notary Services
Solicitation Licenses
James A. Ramage Civil War Museum and Activities
If you have questions or concerns, please call us at 859-331-1700 rather than visiting the City Buil...
As you likely know, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is monitoring closely an outbreak of respiratory illness caused by Coronavirus, also referred to as COVID-19. The virus was first detected in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China and continues to spread worldwide.
With the first case of COVID-19 diagnosed i...
March 8, 12-3 pm
James A. Ramage Civil War Museum
1402 Highland Avenue
Fort Wright, Kentucky
Celebrate General Horatio Wright's 200th birthday!
Learn about his life and legacy.
Why is the City of Fort Wright named for him?
Join us for cake and punch from
12-3 Sunday March 8 at the Museum!
Book Sale and Gift Sh...
DATE: February 18, 2020
TO: All City Council Members and Interested Parties
FROM: Dave Hatter, Mayor
RE: Special Council Meeting
The City of Fort Wright holds on the first Wednesday of each month our regularly sch...
DATE: February 3, 2020
TO: All City Council Members and Interested Parties
FROM: Dave Hatter, Mayor
RE: &nbs...
City Offices will be closed, Monday, February 17, 2020 in observance of President's Day.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to Sections 163 and 164 of the Kentucky Constitution that the City Council of the City of Fort Wright, Kentucky (“City”), will consider offers for sale to the most responsive and best bidder, plus all costs including advertising costs, a telecommunications franchise as defined in Resolution 11-2019, adopt...