Fort Wright Police - Accreditation
Fort Wright is an Accredited law enforcement agency.
The Kentucky Association of Chief's of Police Accreditation Program is intended to provide law enforcement agencies of the Commonwealth with an avenue for demonstrating that they meet commonly accepted professional standards for efficient and effective operations.
Law Enforcement executives who choose to have their agencies accredited under this program have examined all aspects of their operations. They have made conscious decisions about policies and procedures that fit the law enforcement requirements of their jurisdictions and have implemented those policies and trained their employees in their use.
Accreditation reflects that the agency was carefully measured against an established set of standards and has met or exceeded professionally accepted practices in law enforcement.
From Kentucky Association of Chiefs of Police:
The Fort Wright Police Department was presented its first Accreditation Certificate in May 2000 due largely to the hard work and dedication of Accreditation Manager Officer Marc Schworer. The Accreditation Certificate is valid for five years and after five years the Police Department must be re-evaluated to show it continues to meet the current standards of the Kentucky Association of Chiefs of Police Accreditation Program. The Fort Wright Police Department was awarded its second five-year Accreditation Certificate in June 2005 and has subsequently re-certified in 2010, 2015, 2019, and 2023, establishing that the Department continues to meet the updated standards of the Kentucky Association of Chiefs of Police.