Door to Door Solicitors

All persons operating a business within the City of Fort Wright are required to obtain a Kenton County/Fort Wright Business License. This includes individuals who engage in Door to Door Solicitation. Each person soliciting must have an individual Kenton County/City of Fort Wright Business License and a City of Fort Wright Solicitors License. You may download the Fort Wright Solictors License application at the link below.  Individuals conducting any business activity in the City, including Door to Door Solicitation, who are unable to produce a valid Business License upon request of the Fort Wright Police Department, are subject to a fine.

You may download the Kenton County Business License application at the link below.  More information on the Kenton County/Fort Wright Business License can be obtained at the Kenton County website, or by calling the Kenton County Fiscal Court at (859) 392-1440.

Fort Wright Solicitors License Application