City Ordinances

Code of Ordinances for the City of Fort Wright, Kentucky

Property Maintenance Code - Ordinance 08-2022 

Recently Passed Ordinances

Please click the links below to review our most recently passed legislation.

Ordinance 03-2025 Non-Exclusive Franchise to MCIMETRO & LILA VERIZON 

Ordinance 02-2025 Establishing Licensing Requirements and Renewal License Fees for Medical Cannabis Businesses

Ordinance 01-2025 Closing a Certain Public Right of Way @ Williamscreek Way

Ordinance 13-2024 Non-Exclusive Franchise-Level 3 Telecom

Ordinance 12-2024 Amending Various Sections of the Traffic Code 

Ordinance 11-2024 Tax Rate Ordinance-2024/2025

Ordinance 10-2024 Duke Franchise Fee  *Due to the size of the attachment, it can be requested via an Open Records Request*

Ordinance 09-2024 Establishing City of Fort Wright's Code of Ethics 

Ordinance 08-2024 Repealing the Official Zoning Ordinance 290-1983 (Z21)*Due to the size of the attached Exhibit A, it can be requested via an Open Records Request*

Ordinance 07-2024 Establishing Personnel Classification Plan and Organization

Ordinance 06-2024 Adopting the Budget for the 2024-2025 Fiscal Year

Ordinance 05-2024 Amending the Budget for the 2023-2024 Fiscal Year

Ordinance 04-2024 Establishing Non-Exclusive Franchise for Natural Gas and Electric

Ordinance 03-2024 Increasing Compensation for Board of Adjustment Members

Ordinance 02-2024 Authorizing the City to Revoke or Suspend an Alcohol License for Non-Payment of Taxes and Other Legal Violations

Ordinance 01-2024 Imposing Administrative Holds on Licenses, Permits, or other Approvals if there are Unpaid Taxes, Fines, or other Violations

Ordinance 12-2023 Establishing the Waste Fees for FY 2023-24 and 2024-25

Ordinance 11-2023 Establishing Tax Rates for FY 2023-2024

Ordinance 10-2023 Granting Non-Exclusive Franchise to Spectrum Mid-America LLC

Ordinance 09-2023 Granting Non-Exclusive Franchise to Duke Energy

Ordinance 08-2023 Amending Fort Wright Zoning Ordinance for Off-Street Parking, Adding Designation for Drive-Thru Only Restaurants

Ordinance 07-2023 Establishing Personnel Classification Plan and Organization

Ordinance 06-2023 Adopting the Budget for the Fiscal Year 2023-2024

Ordinance 05-2023 Amending the Budget for the Fiscal Year 2022-2023

Ordinance 04-2023 Amending the Emergency Medical and Transportation Services Fee Schedule

Ordinance 03-2023 Amending the Nuisance Code in Title IX, Chapter 92, SEction 92.03 to repeal the provisions relating to distributing written materials. 

Ordinance 02-2023 Amending Fort Wright Zoning Ordinance Chapter 153, Section 153.01, Section 11.2 etnitled "Specific Off-Street Parking Requirement" in multi-family developments. 

Ordinance 01-2023 Restricting Parking on part of Fort Henry Drive near Glengarry Way

Ordinance 12-2022 Repealing Ordinance 11-2022 and Establishing a lower Motor Vehicle Tax effective 1-1-2024

Ordinance 11-2022 Eliminating the Motor Vehicle Tax effective 1-1-2023

Ordinance 10-2022 Establishing the Tax Rate for FY 2022-2023

Ordinance 09-2022 Closing a portion of Old Madison Pike/Old Kentucky 17

Ordinance 08-2022 Adopting the 2021 International Property Maintenance Code

Ordinance 07-2022 Amending the City's Nuisance Code

Ordinance 06-2022 Establishing Non-elected Offices of the City, and a Plan of Personnel Classification and Organization

Ordinance 05-2022 Adopting the Budget for the Fiscal Year 2022-2023

Ordinance 04-2022 Amending the Budget for the Fiscal Year 2021-2022

Ordinance 03-2022 Adding a Definition of Family Child-Care Homes and Making Them a Conditional Use in all Residential Zones as Required by KRS 100.8982

Ordinance 02-2022 Amending an Address Issue within the City's Zoning Regulations

Ordinance 01-2022 Amending Various Sections of the City Traffic Code

Ordinance 14-2021 Granting and Issuing a Competitive, Non-Exclusive Franchise to Cincinnati Bell Extended Territories LLC

Ordinance 13-2021 Establishing Requirements for Payment of Taxes, and Protocols for Imposition of Penalties, Interest and Attorney Fees Charged in Collecting Delinquent Taxes

Ordinance 12-2021 Establishing the Tax Rate for Fiscal Year 2021-2022

Ordinance 11-2021 Establishing Waste Fees for Fiscal Years 2022 and 2023

Ordinance 10-2021 Relating to the Police Department to Delete Reference to "Pay Levels"

Ordinance 09-2021 Establishing Non-Elected Offices of the City and a Plan of Personnel Classification and Organization

Ordinance 08-2021 Relating to the City's Committees and Their Meetings

Ordinance 07-2021 Adopting an Amended Interlocal Agreement with Kenton County Fiscal Court for Code Enforcement

Ordinance 06-2021 Adopting the Budget for the Fiscal Year 2021-2022

Ordinance 05-2021 Amending the Budget for the Fiscal Year 2020-2021

Ordinance 04-2021 Reducing Occupational License Tax Rate on Employees Effective 7-1-2021

Ordinance 03-2021 Adding Section 71.06 to the Traffic Code of the Fort Wright Code of Ordinances, Prohibiting the Operation of Commercial Trucks on East Henry Clay and West Henry Clay, and Providing for Penalties

Ordinance 01-2021 Establishing a Tax Amnesty Program for Fiscal Year 2020-2021

Ordinance 05-2020 Establishing Waste Fees for Fiscal Year 2020-2021

Ordinance 04-2020 Fixing the Tax Rate for Fiscal Year 2020-2021

Ordinance 03-2020 Adopting the Budget for Fiscal Year 2020-2021

Ordinance 02-2020 Amending the Budget for Fiscal Year 2019-2020

Ordinance 01-2020 Confirming the Sale and Awarding of a Non-exclusive Franchise to MCIMetro Access Transmission Services Corp. D/B/A Verizon

Ordinance 10-2019 Amending the Zoning Ordinance to Add Self-Storage Facilities as a Conditional Use in the HOC Zone, Subject to Certain Standards

Ordinance 09-2019 Fixing the tax rate for Fiscal Year 2019-2020

Ordinance 08-2019 Adopting the Budget for Fiscal Year 2019-2020

Ordinance 07-2019 Amending the Zoning Ordinance to Add Retails Sales and Services and Offices to Permitted Uses in the HOC Zone

Ordinance 06-2019 Approving a Sidewalk Waiver for Resurrection Church, Inc.

Ordinance 05-2019 Establishing Waste Fees for Fiscal Year 2019-2020

Ordinance 02-2019 Dissolving the Parks and Recreation Board and repealing sections 97.15 and 97.16 of the Fort Wright Code of Ordinances

Ordinance 01-2019 Approving the Amended Stage 1 Development Plan for Fort Wright SK Cornerstone, LLC

Ordinance 14-2018 Amending the Fee Schedule for Emergency Medical and Transportation Services

Common Violations of Property Maintenance Code

Weeds - Grass and weeds needs to be kept trimmed less than 10 inches in height

Protective Treatment - All parts of the house and accessory structures need to be well maintained, painting or other type of protective treatment should be used when necessary.

Sidewalks and Driveways - Need to be kept in a state of repair and maintained free of hazardous conditions.

Accessory Structures - includes sheds, fences, walls, porches and pools - Need to be maintained and clean and sanitary (pools) and in good repair.

Roofs and Drainage - Should be maintained and free of obstructions.

Doors - Should be maintained in good condition.

Rubbish and Garbage - Exterior properties and premises should be free of any accumulation - rubbish and garbage should be disposed of in approved containers. (Cans should be placed at the curb after 6:00 PM the night prior to trash pickup and cans should be returned to their storage location in a timely manner following trash collection)